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Ervin Tasnadi, Ph.D.

Biomedical imaging scientist &
Machine learning engineer

Budapest area, HU (EU)


PGP fingerprint:


I am a biomedical imaging scientist and machine learning engineer who has

  • 8 years of experience in analyzing high throughput biomedical imaging and multi-omics data using deep neural networks, machine learning, parallel programming, and
  • 2 years of experience in enterprise software development, server side programming, relational databases.


  • Parallel computing: OpenCL 1.2, CUDA, OpenMP
  • Machine learning & scientific computing: MATLAB, Python, Tensorflow, PyTorch, NumPy, SciPy, scikit-image, scikit-learn
  • Programming languages: C, C++, Java, PHP
  • Graphics programming: OpenGL, Vulkan, path tracing, bounding volume hierarchy
  • Server side programming, databases: SQL, SQL Server, Java EE, Spring MVC, Object Relational Mapping.
  • Version control systems: Git, SVN.
  • Operating systems: Linux (debian derivatives)
  • Writing research papers, giving presentations, efficient collaboration and communication.


I co-authored more than 15 publications while working as a biomedical imaging scientist. See my Google Scholar page for the details.

Employment and experience

Machine learning engineer, applied scientist (deep neural networks for microscopy image analysis), part time
Single-Cell Technologies Ltd.

  • Efficient implementation of deep neural network based computer vision algorithms for instance segmentation and classification of microscopy and pathology images in 2D and 3D with Tensorflow C API and C++, OpenCV, CUDA.

Researcher in biomedical image analysis and systems biology
Biological Research Centre, Biological Image Analysis and Machine Learning Group (BIOMAG - Peter Horvath's lab)

  • Image analysis pipelines (instance segmentation, classification, tracking) for high-throughput microscopy images of single-cells in 2D and 3D for several systems biology research projects.
  • Building deep neural networks & training object recognition pipelines for microscopy image analysis from scratch (Tensorflow, PyTorch)
  • Ultra-fast deep learning based single-cell segmentnation and tracking for 3D multiphoton microscopy images.
  • Efficient implementation of a differential intensity contrast microscopy image reconstruction algorithm with OpenCL.
  • Development of synthetic data generation pipelines with image style transfer and GANs for 2D instance segmentation in human tissues.
  • Development of a novel 3D active contour method for nuclei segmentation in 3D, numerical approximation with finite differences, efficient implementation in CUDA and C++, 3D visualization with MITK, Qt, visualization with vispy.
  • Worked on the statistical analysis of multi-omics data (genomics, proteomics) in several projects, used several machine learning techniques for feature selection (in a large population health database) such as Lasso and ElasticNet.
  • Collaboration in several international research consortiums.

Research Assistant in data mining and natural language processing, part time
University of Szeged, Department of Artificial Intelligence

  • Analysis of social networks using graph algorithms and machine learning: personalized PageRank, power iteration, random walks, logistic regression, sentiment analysis.
  • Analysis of social media posts using conditional random fields, discriminative modeling, feature extraction, n-grams, L-BFGS.

Software Engineer, full stack developer (Java Enterprise Edition)
EPAM Systems, Inc

  • Development of content management systems with 3-tier architecture in Java Enterprise Edition (EJB 3.0)
  • Planning and implementation of entity relationship mappings, development of database schemas in SQL Server, schema normalization, refactoring T-SQL stored procedures, caching, load balancing, http proxy servers.
  • Development of web interface with sping MVC, HTML, CSS and jQuery.


Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science
University of Szeged
Supervisor: Dr. Peter Horvath
Thesis: Active contour and deep learning methods for single-cell segmentation in microscopy images (2023)

MSc in Computer Science
University of Szeged

Business Information Technology
University of Szeged